American Rescue Plan (ARP)
North Collins CSD
American Rescue Plan (ARP)
• Signed into law on March 11, 2021
• Funding available through September 30, 2024
American Rescue Plan Requirement:
All public school districts, Local Educational Agency (LEA), participating in the American Recovery Rescue Plan (ARP) are required to establish a plan for the usage of the ARP funds that complies with the program’s guidelines. These guidelines further state that the ARP plan created by the District should allow for the continuation of the programs or program related items beyond the availability of these federal funds.
ARP Grant Funding
Total ARP (ESSER) ‐ North Collins CSD
20% for Learning Loss (ARP-ESSER)
ARP allocation for District’s Discretionary Use perARP Guidelines (ARP ESSER)
Summer Enrichment Grant (NYS Reserve Grant)
After School Grant (NYS Reserve Grant)
Learning Loss (NYS Reserve Grant)