On May 17, 2022, North Collins Central School District residents passed a proposition on a Capital Improvements Project that is designed to address District needs in the areas of building repairs, building control upgrades, instruction, and safety. Stakeholders of the school community have collaborated on developing and prioritizing this scope from State required Building Condition Surveys and community concerns alike.

Community Forum Presentation
Click the link above for information presented at the Community Forum, which was held on April 5, 2022.
The project’s highlights include e.g., new turf field, athletic vestibule renovation, athletic field lighting, student locker replacements, elementary school entrance renovation, roof upgrades at both buildings and digital sign upgrades at both buildings.
The $7.95M Capital Project uses NYS Building Aid. This State revenue source is specifically earmarked for capital projects. The local share comes from the District’s Capital Reserve Fund, which is a fund designated for Capital Projects. By using a combination of the NYS Building Aid available to the district and the school district’s Capital Reserve, there will be no increase in taxes for this project. Using this fund keeps the local tax impact at 0%.
Document provided below in the document container.